Brian Shoesmith
After completing Grade 10 in 1987 at Caboolture State High School, I went straight into an apprenticeship in January 1988 with the Brisbane City Council Traffic Sign Department, as a Screenprinter / Signmaker. It was an exciting time to begin my career. Being the year of Expo 88 in Brisbane, we were going to be manufacturing a lot of signs for expo.
The late 80's saw the birth of computer generated vinyl signage and the Council had just purchased a computer system, along with a vinyl cutter/plotter. This system replaced the need for hand painting signs and lettering. During my first couple of years, I learnt many different facets of sign making, including operating the computer equipment, screen printing many different types of signs and stickers and laying out / putting together various kinds of signs, just to name a few.
I completed all of my formal training with Honours at Kangaroo Point College of TAFE and earned six months off my apprenticeship time at the end. TAFE training was a total of 21 weeks over three and a half years.
Throughout my apprenticeship, I received a number of "Apprentice of the Year" awards from both the Council and the Department of Education & Vocational Training. As a fourth year apprentice, in February 1991, I purchased the sign making computer system that the Council had traded in and started my own business "Compute-A-Sign" and set it up as a part time concern, while still working at the Council.
Once my apprenticeship was completed, (June 1991), I continued at the Council as a qualified trades person. I continued working there for the next ten years, while building up my own customer base in my business.
I completed many major projects while at the Council, including a number of sign maintenance programs where I had to work in different suburbs, collating lists of signs needing replacement, making and ordering these signs, then packing them into different groups for the Sign Erectors to then install the signs along each route.
During my time at the BCC, I acquired many skills in the design and manufacture of a vast array of signage, various computerised applications, along with an excellent work ethic and an eye for detail. In August 2001, after 14 years there, it was time for me to leave and start pursuing my own business on a full time basis.
I already had a large customer base by this time. I grew the business from there and a few years ago, I changed the name to Signs-Qld. At Signs-Qld, we now cater for many clients, from small to medium sized companies, up to large businesses from various industries including mining and engineering.
You can be assured that you will receive great looking signs, to attract new clients to your business, at reasonable prices.